80th Remembrance Gathering for the Allied Men of the Suez Maru

  • 29 November 2023
  • 12pm

This significant anniversary will be marked by the gathering of families around the Suez Maru Memorial built in 2013, to place poppy crosses within a tide of 417 poppy crosses, each bearing the name of a Suez Maru man.


Their names will be read aloud and the Tide of Poppies laid out as 'long lines of men in the water' will be a stark, visually poignant reminder of the great loss of allied life in the war crime. 


The service will include:

  • 12pm - Gather at the Suez Maru Memorial
  • Welcome by Reverend Sonya
  • Speakers
  • Roll Call of prisoners of war aboard the Suez Maru
  • Reading of their names aloud by all
  • FEPOW Prayer
  • The Last Post
  • Two-minute silence
  • Rouse
  • A Tide of Poppies - The Laying of Poppy Crosses
  • Kohima epitaph  

For more information visit: www.facebook.com/suezmaru

Memorial to Suez Maru

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